Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy New Year to All

It's been a wild 2010...up's and down's as life has been kind one minute and mean the next. But through it all I have been blessed with 2 beautiful grandkids. They have made my life so much fuller and happier. Even on my worst day they can get me to smile and feel so loved. When I look at their pictures I see how much they have grown and how much I enjoy watching them grow.
Whether it's a picture of Ryder looking for pumpkins on a fall day...
or a quiet moment with my granddaughter, Maddy at the pool...I see my mom in Maddy's eyes....such beautiful eyes she has. Hi Mom...I know your in there somewhere.

My grandkids have made 2010 a good year...let's hope 2011 will be even better.
So from Pawpaw and his beatiful granddaughter and handsome grandson we want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and may 2011 be better for all of us..especially our children and our grandkids.

And Maddy would like to wish everyone to smile a little more and love one another a little more too. Who can refuse those beautiful eyes...come on people do it for Maddy. Call your old friend you haven't talked to in awhile, or that relative you been meaning to call but have put off....let's make 2011 the year to improve the world and make life a little more better for all of us.
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Pawpaw and may God watch over each and everyone of you and your families. I hope you will come back next year and visit with me again.

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