Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maddy comes to visit...our first overnight with our granddaughter

Well, we had a visitor on Friday night...our granddaughter came to visit and spend the night. Her parents went to Virginia for a historical celebration, and they asked us to keep her Friday night.She came in waving and as beautiful as always. Barely over a month old and she can wave...unbelievable. I see my mom in her...I miss her everyday, just as Matt does. His Memaw would have loved Maddy with all her heart. We both will tell Maddy stories of how Memaw and Matt shared the time they had together before she passed away from cancer.
Can a sleeper say anymore...."CUTIE" indeed. She did well for her first overnight visit..we got up a few times overnight...but then again...we got to play with her while rocking her back to sleep.
On Saturday we took her over to Matt's mom's house so she could spend Saturday night with her and her husband...Grammy and Mike (we'll call him Gramps until he names himself). Maddy's parents would be back Sunday to pick her up. We don't mind sharing her...we love her and don't mind sharing.
On Sunday we went over to visit our daughter and husband ...and got to see Ryder walking like a champ. He's ten months old and is making big strides in his shoes. Soon he'll be running and we will be chasing him...great fun for all...well fun for him at least.
We enjoy visiting with them and even watched some football with Scot. Football and my grandson...a win, win day. Now if I could do something for the Panthers...they could use some help...maybe a miracle or two.
So we had a great weekend...we got to see both of our grandkids. And even got to have Maddy spend the night with us. We are very lucky grandparents who get to see their grandkids often.
But we still act like we haven't seen them in months, because they grow up so fast. Ryder will be a year old in November, seems like he was just born yesterday, well maybe the day before that one. He has grown up so much this first's amazing to look at old pictures and remember how little he was and how big he is today.
Soon, Maddy and Ryder will be able to play with each other, chase each other and spend the night together at Pawpaw and Nana's..we really look forward to that time ahead of us, while enjoying the time we have now with them each.
Pawpaw's wisdom for today is call your them...send them a card...kept that wonderful bond strong and up to date. Because before you know it..they will be grown and on with their lives..limiting their time with us grandparents. Thanks for stopping by and please come back and visit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Never Alone"

I found a twitt to's from Reba McEntire's sisters Twitter page...on it is a beautiful song called "Never Alone". I didn't how that she sang so on the link and hit the button to hear the song...... and when your done pass it on to your love ones or anyone who needs a litte bit of hope and love. I found another version of the song and added it to my song list for my blog...please still check out Susie's.
Please keep my daughter in your thoughts and prayers...she had surgery and could use a extra prayer for her recovery.
We are going to keep our granddaughter this weekend for the first for us. She'll be a month old next week.
Just wanted everyone to hear this song and feel the energy, the love and the hope that it gives.
Pawpaw's wisdom for the week...let someone you haven't talk to in awhile know that they were in your thoughts...or just tell someone in your life who feels low or blue that they aren't fighting the battles of life alone..that you love them and will add them to your prayers. We all can use some extra prayers...I know I can.
Also, please remember to vote for my dogs in the contest I entered them in...just log on the two pics on the left..thank you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Maddy Update...little girl is doing great

Well it's been about 25 days since the miracle of life began for Maddy. She's gaining a little weight according to her daddy. We look forward to seeing her real soon.She is growing into the beautiful child that I will tell you about for hours if you ask me how she's doing. Just a warning for those who haven't asked yet...I'm a proud Pawpaw.

We can't wait to see her again real soon...funny as soon as she leaves we want to see her again real soon. We love her and her parents, and enjoy being with them all.
So Maddy's doing great, and we checked on Ryder and he's going strong. Walking up and down the hallway at his house. Wow...soon the two grandkids will be chasing each other around the house. But that's not for awhile...thank goodness, we can enjoy them while they are still little.
I will post more pictures soon...hope to see ya again..and thanks for stopping by.
Also, please vote for my 2 dogs I have entered into a photo contest...if I win...I will shave my head...well my mustache at least...Maddy's Pawpaw ain't that and see for yourself...I will post pictures of that too.

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